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HEX Workshop is an advanced utility for viewing and editing files in computer hexadecimal format. It provides unique features for working with the data structures of files that contain executable code: the ability to export and import them in a variety of formats (including perl and HTML), and to search in them (by text content, identifier names, or regex expressions). HEX Workshop data structures are more powerful than ASCII or ANSI text files because they can represent different types of binary data: strings, integers, arrays, lists, records (unordered collections of fields), segments (complex arrangements of records) and delimiters (control symbols separating one type from another). This is a preview version; some functions may not work properly. WinHex is a newer, more thorough hex editor from the same company.Extended features include: Included features include: The program uses a GUID (globally unique identifier) for each file it handles to allow setting of default parameters and to track versions, making it easy to upgrade to new versions without losing user preferences. The HEX Workshop command set conforms to that of IBM's XEDIT except where HEX Workshop functions have been enhanced. These enhancements include: Also included with the application is a simple ASCII editor with a built-in hex viewer and text search capabilities. HEX Workshop is a commercial product and, as such, it is distributed under a proprietary license.HEX Workshop can be run from an installation program that installs the application program interface (API) files into the Windows Registry and places them in the HEX Workshop folder. The HEX Workshop option in the Folder Options dialog box is then activated, and the user is prompted to enter a name for his or her new tool. This name can be arbitrary; it should be typed in all lowercase letters with no spaces between words, to facilitate search-and-replace operations. When a tool has been created by this method, it can be modified at any time by adding or removing menu items while the program runs. The program status bar allows the user to view the current selection, which is highlighted in cyan for each menu item that is currently active. This can be changed by double-clicking on the title bar of the application. HEX Workshop was written by Greg Roelofs, who continues to maintain it; it was first released in October 2000.HEX Workshop command line options are listed below: When HEX Workshop is run under Windows 95, 98 or ME it will display a window with several tabs located at the bottom of the screen. File Manager contains five tabs with options only when working with files on disk or in memory. The Tools tab has several tools located at bottom left corner of the interface. The Tools tab contains the following: The File Manager window allows users to create and edit files. Any changes made will be saved to disk and loaded back into memory when files are reloaded. The Viewer allows users to view a file in HEX format. Searches can be made for text, symbols and data. Tools such as length, add bytes, add words, add strings and add short records can be applied for editing purposes. Users can also use cut/copy/paste features for data manipulation. This option allows the user to place the file in a viewer that will allow them to see where hex values occur in a memory dump for real-time debugging purpose. cfa1e77820